Invited research 2019-2020
B01 Sprouting of soft sciences
B01-01:Development of molecular recognition sensors using single molecular bilayers of organic semiconductors
- Leader
- Shunto Arai(The University of Tokyo)
B01-02:Development of biohybrid soft robots powered by skeletal muscle tissues
- Leader
- Yuya Morimoto(The University of Tokyo)
B01-03:Experiment-based modeling of conduction modulation on neural axons with microfabricated devices
- Leader
- Kenta Shimba(The University of Tokyo)
B01-04:Soft Hydraulic Robotics and its Application to Humanoid Hand and Foot
- Leader
- Ko Yamamoto(The University of Tokyo)
B01-05:Development of High-Durable Flexible Fabrics using High-Strength Synthetic Fibers and its Application to Soft Robot Mechanisms
- Leader
- Gen Endo(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
B01-06:Robots that return to the soil: Establishing design and control methods of bio-degradable soft actuators
- Leader
- Jun Shintake(The University of Electoro-Communications)
B01-07:Development of Three-Dimensional Shape Controllable Soft-actuators using PVC gel
- Leader
- Minoru Hashimoto(Shinshu University)
B01-08:Soft integration mechanism of exoskeleton and muscle unveiling through the evolution of ultrafast movements
- Leader
- Katsushi Kagaya(Kyoto University)
B01-09:Development of a thermally stimulated light-weight coiled- actuator: Overcome the limits of large displacement and high output with low power consumption
- Leader
- Yasuhiko Hayashi(Okayama University)
B01-10:Decentralized control system including biological emergence Adapted to Peristaltic Motion Based on Bio-Inspired Soft Robotics
- Leader
- Taro Nakamura(Chuo University)
B01-11:Development of autonomously actuating living soft bio-robots
- Leader
- Kazuya Furusawa(Fukui University of Technology)
B01-12:Mechanics and Synthesis of Soft Contact
- Leader
- Shinichi Hirai(Ritsumeikan University)
B01-13:Creation of plant function based smart machine installing Mimosa pudica
- Leader
- Yo Tanaka(RIKEN)
B02 Introducing soft robots throughout society
B02-01:Development of softrobotics in assisted reproductive technology
- Leader
- Masashi Ikeuchi(The University of Tokyo)
B02-02:Measurements of the limitations in designing and controlling a wearable power-assist soft robot while keeping the user’s natural body sensations, and their implications in neuroscience
- Leader
- Takako Yoshida(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
B02-03:Development of soft care equipment with 3D gel pad for skin wound prevention
- Leader
- Shoko Miyagawa(Keio University)