Science of Soft Robots – Interdisciplinary integration of mechatronics, material science, and bio-computing

B02-07 : Design of an interaction model for a soft robot that grows out of the body


Leader Seong Young ah (Hosei University)

In the research on avatar robots, which can be controlled by a person and can communicate conversations and actions by teleoperation, portable and wearable robots have been developed in order to enable human interaction through avatars anywhere. However, the weight and shape of conventional robots impose a heavy physical burden on the user, and the placement and form of the robot cannot be changed to suit various interaction purposes due to the low level of flexibility of design in terms of where the robot can be placed and the form it can take. The purpose of this research is to focus on the possibility of soft robotics as an implementation method of wearable avatar robots, and to clarify the interaction model (design guideline forlocation, shape, function, etc.) of the avatar robot that is most suitable for telecommunication support from the viewpoint of the user. In addition, we will evaluate the wearable avatar soft robot based on the model, and clarify the influence of the soft shape, material, and function on the user’s impression of the avatar robot and communication. In this way, we aim to contribute to the utilization of soft robots in the fields of telecommunication and body extension, and to promote their deployment in society.